Between loving someone and being in love differences


“I love you” and “I am in love with you” are two very different things. Those two little filler words make a difference by providing a different sense of meaning to a very simple but incredibly complex emotion: love.

While loving someone can last a lifetime, being in love with someone can be inconsistent and short-lived. This is because the latter is mainly a phase at the beginning of a romantic relationship. We often tend to use the word “love” without too much ease and we mix being in love with really loving someone.

Loving Someone Vs. Being In Love Differences

1. Choice Vs. Feeling

 Choice Vs. Feeling

When you love someone, you make a conscious and constant effort to continue doing so. You have passed the initial stages of falling in love. Staying in love requires work and commitment. Once the pink glow of the beginning fades, we must make a decision and ask ourselves the most important questions: do we want to love this person and commit to a relationship together? In short, who we love is both a choice and a feeling. In the days when they are angry with each other and do not feel the warm and confusing feelings of love, they will know what matters.

2. Steady Emotions Vs. A Rush Of Emotions

Steady Emotions Vs. A Rush Of Emotions

When it comes to loving someone, feelings of adoration, respect and affection arise quite naturally instead of relying on raw emotions. While loving someone is not based on a storm of intense emotions, being in love with someone is often emotionally charged with an inexplicable passion and desire for the other person. Loving someone comes from a deep-rooted place within you.

3. Partnership Vs. Ownership

Partnership Vs. Ownership

Loving someone includes the feeling for the other that goes beyond any self-interest or selfishness on the part of the loved one. It is not a mark of ownership over another person, but quite the opposite. It simply means an association, not property; I appreciate, not possession. Being in love with someone is more about yearning for this person and wanting to own a part of them because your happiness literally depends on them.

4. Commitment Vs. Infatuation

Commitment Vs. Infatuation

Committed love is not the same as feeling an intense physical attraction or a crush on another person. Commitment requires that both parties remain together through good, bad and ugly, and not only when they are happily in love with each other. As your relationship progresses from your honeymoon phase to a deeper sense of closeness, you are likely to follow a bond of loving commitment.

5. Stability Vs. Dependence

Stability Vs. Dependence

Have you ever thought you were in love but then discovered that you were “in need”? When you are in love with someone, you tend to put their needs above yours, and sometimes you may find that you get lost in the relationship. Loving someone certainly implies a similar feeling and some sacrifice, but there is much more stability and security involved. You will feel more comfortable knowing that things will be fine even if you focus a little on yourself.

6. Forever Vs. Fleeting

Forever Vs. Fleeting

When you love someone, it is much more permanent and lasting. Even if the person you love bothers you or disappoints you, you still love her with everything you have. But when you’re in love with someone, the peak of intense feelings can be fleeting. As time passes and the novelty disappears, it is possible that your emotions have diminished.

7. Accepting Flaws Vs. Not Seeing Any

 Accepting Flaws Vs. Not Seeing Any

When you love someone, you accept him for what he is, with his strengths and weaknesses both in the image. But when you’re in love, you can concentrate on an idealized version of this person while you delight in fantasies.

8. Wanting The Absolute Best For Them Vs. Wanting Them

Wanting The Absolute Best For Them And. Wanting Them

Loving someone is a selfless act. True love implies an overwhelming feeling of wanting the best for your partner. You want them to prosper and not feel overwhelmed by anything that doesn’t serve them completely, even if that someone is you. When you’re in love with someone, your brain is hit by a wave of “happy” addictive chemicals, and you just want to be close to them as much as possible. It’s like a drug, see?

9. Growth Over Time Vs. Peak And Valley

 Growth Over Time Vs. Peak And Valley

When you really love someone, you feel stronger and stronger. Your bond only becomes stronger and healthier as time passes. But when you’re in love with someone, your connection may or may not be strong enough to withstand storms and overcome challenges without flinching. The fact that you are in love with someone does not mean that you really know this person well enough to overcome obstacles together.

When you love someone, you simply do it: you love them for their shortcomings and their peculiarities, and the appeal only grows as time goes by and you know them even more. But when you are in love with someone, there is a possibility that you are in love with this person’s idea.